Six days later, HCA was invited to participate in the Hickory National Day of Prayer event, held on the square downtown. What a blessing it is to live in a nation where prayer and freedom of religion are foundational to our culture! For the past few years, Hickory Christian Academy has been selected to lead the Educational segment of the annual prayer event. Our chapel praise team led worship, we read scripture, and then dozens of students grabbed the microphone to pray for God's mercy and grace to be on our nation, and especially on the younger generation, as they grow into tomorrow's leaders. I was so proud of our students (joined by students from other Christian schools CFA and ROC). I can honestly say that when I was their age, I didn't even know how to pray, so to hear them share their vision, desires, fears, and dreams to the God of the universe, in front of their peers is amazing, to say the least.
It is assumed that there is little to no remnant of Christianity left in our children's generation, but I am refreshed when I spend time with kids who see themselves as the spiritual future of our nation and culture, and I realize that God is still sovereign and on the throne in the hearts of those who seek Him. The parents of these kids deserve much credit for planting the seeds of the gospel in their children's hearts, and I am thankful to have been given a "watering can" at HCA to help these students continue to grow in grace.
So, I say all this to say that I believe HCA is playing a key role in the spiritual foundation of our little section of North Carolina, and I am proud to be associated with such wonderful young people, parents, teachers, coaches, and staff. Thank you to each of you for the work you put into raising this generation to be the next leaders in our culture. And, thank you for listening to your parents and grandparents, as they shared wisdom and values with you as you were growing up. One generation to the next...that is the way God designed it to be.