Unbelievably, we have completed the first week of school! It is hard to comprehend how fast time goes, and it certainly seems that the older I get, the faster the clock ticks. The Robinsons have a senior this year for crying out loud! I vividly remember the day we brought our first little girl home from the hospital, thinking we had an eternity of time ahead of us, and yet, here we are. Amazing.
God has been so good to us along this path we have traveled. As parents, He has essentially commissioned us with one task: Get your children ready to enter the world as well-trained, independent believers, who will impact their society with the truth of The Gospel. Seems simple. We can certainly clutter it up with other stuff along the way, can't we? I look forward to sharing our family's special year with each of you. We wouldn't want it any other way, because all of you have played a part in the development of our kids. Thank you.
The first week has been a blur of activity and excitement. It is always so much fun to see everyone coming back from summer with new uniforms, backpacks, notebooks, and outlooks. One of the beautiful things about school, that makes it different from most other activities, is that you get a fresh start each fall. New teachers, new faces, new vision. As everyone gets acquainted with their new surroundings, it is interesting to hear the comments and questions. As I have listened, I listed some of the comments that I have heard, and have compiled them below: